April 2021

Spring fever in Florida is a wonder to behold, especially after the long quarantine. Covid is waning and people are coming out of their homes to mingle once again with strangers. Last weekend I saw outdoor services at the Bethesda Church. There were outdoor Passover dinners at several Jewish synagogues. The beaches and lake trails have been busy all year but there seems to be more groups congregating. Restaurants have been booked solid and to prove my point further this week is the first live Chamber Music concert of the season. Throughout Covid the concerts were televised live from New York. My friend Vicki, who runs the program, pulled it off and we are all gathering beforehand to raise a glass together. What a treat. Friends are talking about summer plans although not to Europe. They mention Hawaii and out West as destinations. I have some fishing trips planned but I was hoping to spend some time on the road in my old ’62 Jag before heading north. It has been in the paint shop for three months now. I guess they like having it there gathering dust. I will probably get a call midsummer asking me to find a storage place for it. Once I am back in New York I will do some sailing. The Beetle Cat is coming out of storage and will need refreshing for its dip into Georgica Pond. Last year the grandkids took a sail a couple of times at best. The storage barn with my 1960s classics -MG-TD and Morgan needs an airing. The cars are packed in so tightly my grandson must squeeze into each one of them so they can be pushed out for a fluid change and a run around the block to rid them of their mice tenants. I am heading to Maine in May for the landlocked salmon season and will open my camp for the summer. Camp is always the highlight of the warm months for me. As you can see, I have multi-state spring fever. I look forward to the weather change–the 82-degree Florida spring is too hot for me.
